About Us

We're glad you found Smile Studio Orthodontics! Dr. Marie Farrar and her staff help children and adults troubled by crooked teeth to improve their overall health and wellbeing so that they can confidently smile and effectively chew for the rest of their lives. As a mom and an orthodontist, Dr. Farrar understands the challenges busy parents face in providing the best care for their children—and for themselves. What makes her practice different is that she bring a woman’s eye and a mother’s touch to minimize the costs of orthodontic treatment in terms of time, money, discomfort, and overall life energy while maximizing outcomes in terms of aesthetics, function, and stability.

Meet Our Doctor

Super Power Wish--Time Travel
Orthodontist since 1981
Favorite Thing About Our Patients--Watching them grow up and watching their personalities change as their smile improves!
Amazing Accomplishment--Raising 2 awesome young adults
Fun Fact--I participated in the Bicentennial Wagon Train in 1876. I had an extra wisdom tooth, and I skipped my Senior year of High School!

Meet Our Staff

Super Power Wish: Invisibility!
Treatment Coordinator--19 years experience in the dental profession
Favorite Thing About Our Patients--I love getting to know our patients and watch their accomplishments throughout their time in treatment with us!
Amazing Accomplishment--Raising two of the most wonderful human beings on the planet!
Fun Fact--I have lived on 3 mountains in 3 different states.

Super Power Wish: Singing at a Concert
I have been in Dentistry for 24 years.
Favorite Thing About Our Patients: I love being able to serve my patients one on one!
Amazing Accomplishment: Finally becoming a mother to 2 beautiful boys!
Fun Fact: I laugh at all the times I have fallen upstairs!